Looking for a Fun Play Place for Littles?

If you need to get your kids out of the house, bring them here! Elevate Trampoline park has a dedicated toddler area, where your little ones can bounce anytime they come in, but during Toddler Time, the whole park is a toddler friendly zone! If you’re wondering about it, here’s how it’s going to go:

  1. Your kids will come in
  2. Your kids will run wild
  3. Your kids will eat lunch
  4. Your kids will repeat step 2 (run wild)
  5. Your kids will be exhausted
  6. Your kids will take a long nap.
  7. Repeat weekly
So, come in Monday - Thursday, between 10:00am - 2:00pm and only pay $10.00 for 2 hours per child ages 19 months to 6 years old!
1 parent or guardian can jump for FREE with each paying child.
While the kids are having the best time ever and exhausting themselves, you can jump with them, or relax in one of our many plush couches or lounge chairs; your choice.
Make sure to take advantage of the Krazy Air Cafe, our in-park restaurant, and get yourself an awesome and inexpensive lunch.

Invalid on holidays or school breaks.